kerry morrison
kerry morrison

kerry morrison

8 posts
Goodkind for Increasing Yield
Using Goodkind

Goodkind for Increasing Yield

Use Goodkind to better nurture prospects as they move from inquiry to the offer stage The greater a connection and the more informed a student becomes, the more likely they'll accept an offer to attend your institution. Make prospects feel seen and build a deep relationship during the recruiting stage with personal videos. Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions [] / Unsplash [https://unsplash.c

Goodkind for Saying Thank You
Using Goodkind

Goodkind for Saying Thank You

There is no better way to build connection than by genuinely thanking a customer or supporter. When you take the time to say thank you, you demonstrate to your customers that they are more than a transaction. You reinforce that they're special, and you appreciate their business. Photo by Autumn Goodman [] / Unsplash [] Exa

Goodkind for Repeat Purchases
Using Goodkind

Goodkind for Repeat Purchases

Make it easy for customers to make repeat purchases by sending them timely and personal reminders. Sometimes all it takes to get a repeat purchase is someone reaching out ( at the right time ) and reminding them, person to person. Photo by panitan punpuang [] / Unsplash [] Example Repeat Purchase Use Cases Campaign: Use p

Goodkind for Cart Abandonment
Using Goodkind

Goodkind for Cart Abandonment

Cut down dramatically on cart abandonment with personal messaging to shoppers. Customers have shown interest, even intent, yet something prevented them from completing a purchase. Sending a personal Goodkind video is the perfect way to encourage them to return and complete the purchase. Photo by Patrick Tomasso [] / Unsplash [

Using Storytelling to connect with prospective students
Being Better

Using Storytelling to connect with prospective students

My father used to say, if you do the same as everyone else, you get the same as everyone else gets. Yet another reinforcement of his belief that it was hard work that made a difference in life. You want to succeed, you put in the hours, you grind that stone, you do more than the other guy ( and gals ), and if you do, you'll get ahead. He wasn't wrong ( don't tell him I said that ). But I'm not sure he was entirely correct either. When I look around and see my peers, my friends and ou

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